Laser epilation can get rid of unwanted hair once and for all.
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Thanks to the efficient cooling and sophisticated design of our laser, you can be sure that the hair will be effectively eliminated without pain or skin damage.
We work with a powerful alexandrite laser Motus AX, which is one of the best devices of its kind. In terms of efficiency, this laser far surpasses standard diode-type lasers.
Our hair laser can handle the epilation of all skin types, even light hair. You can undergo treatment with us, even with tanned skin or in summer.
It doesn't have to be only women who wish to get rid of hair in certain areas. Whether they come to us for aesthetic or practical reasons, we also offer men a special approach and effective treatment.
Even if a single session cannot get rid of all your hair, we guarantee that you will see visible results after your first visit.
Before undergoing epilation, many people have concerns. Their first fear is usually the pain they are used to during unprofessional leg waxing or facial waxing, and the second most common fear is the ineffectiveness of the entire treatment.
With the MOTUS AX laser, which we work with in our salon, none of these concerns are justified.
The Italian company DEKA, which developed the laser, belongs to the top in the field of cosmetology and laser medical technologies. The MOTUS AX laser is the result of her efforts to eliminate pain and maximize the efficiency of the epilation procedure.
Thanks to the ability to accumulate laser energy and then disperse it into multiple beams, working with this laser excludes the possibility of skin damage. At the same time, the device is designed in such a way that there is only a minimal loss of energy on the way to the follicle.
Thanks to its ability to accumulate laser energy and then disperse it into multiple beams, working with this laser excludes the possibility of skin damage.
Compared to standard devices, where up to 50% energy loss occurs, the MOTUS AX device offers up to twice the efficiency. It is also suitable for working with delicate skin in sensitive areas and for working with different phototypes. It copes with dark, pigmented hair, as well as fine hair on the stomach.
The amount invested in professional epilation will be returned to you differently
In time and money that you would otherwise invest in endless shaving and waxing. And in the beauty of your smooth skin, which will always remain perfect. Without overgrown and stubbornly sprouting hairs.
Moc děkuji. Jsem velmi spokojená. Jak s recepcí, tak i s paní, která mě ošetřuje. Moc děkuji. Již jsem si předplatila další návštěvy. Děkuji
Sona MertovaMoc se mi u vás líbilo a těším se na další návštěvu, obsluha na recepci moc příjemná, ihned nabídne i něco k pití 😊 tak i jako práce kosmetičky, paní moc ochotná, vřelá..z celého salonu jsem velmi nadšená, jsem ráda, že jsem si na svoji první laserovou epilaci vybrala právě váš salon, určitě doporučuji
andy chlapcováSe službami jsem moc spokojená.
Marie ŠlajsováProfesionalni pristup, bezbolestive skoro! Stejne penize nechate za depilaci waxem, laser mnohem lepsi
Guzel YusupovaVelmi milý a komunikativní personál, vše vám vysvětlí, čisté prostředí, laserová epilace proběhla rychle a bez problémů, skvělá a rychlá komunikace i přes ig. Mohu jedině doporučit.
Martina MatlovaДобрый день) У Вас прекрасный салон с высококвалифицированным персоналом! 😍👍🤩 Я впечатлена профессионализмом заботливого косметолога🤗 и дружелюбием администратора) Атмосфера в клинике создает уют и комфорт, что делает процедуры еще более приятными;)) Процветания Вам и благодарных клиентов;)
Вика РGoogle – souhrnné hodnocení 4.8 z 5, na základě 131 hodnocení
Flawless skin, peace of mind, and the certainty that you can go away for a few days even without a hair removal arsenal
Order laser hair removal, and soon you won’t even remember razors and sugar pastes!
What is the price for laser hair removal? Check out our price list below!
Keep in mind that complete laser hair removal usually requires about 5-8 sessions, depending on the area being treated. Hairs do not grow equally fast everywhere, depending on the part, the intervals between individual sessions can range from 4-8 weeks. Laser hair removal as a whole can thus be completed in a period of 4-8 months.
Before the session itself, you should observe the following:
During the treatment, you will receive special glasses to protect your eyes from the direct or reflected laser beam. Epilation is performed on previously shaved skin, which is coated with a special hydrogel.
If you are interested, we can also apply a local anesthetic to the treated area, but our laser is so gentle that this step is not necessary in most cases.
During the procedure, you will relax on the sofa and the specialist will press the laser epilator on your skin. The tool is equipped with its own cooling device, which further increases the safety and painlessness of the entire procedure. The cooling device can cool the treated area down to -4 °C.
When the laser is activated, the beam passes through the skin to the hair follicles. The intense heat of the beam destroys the hair follicles, preventing further hair growth.
The duration of the treatment varies according to the part being treated. Sometimes it can only take a few minutes, for larger areas expect tens of minutes.
One treatment can eliminate around 20% of the hairs currently in the active growth phase. After that, you have to wait until the next "batch" of hairs reaches the growth phase. Approximately 5-6 sessions are needed for complete hair removal.
The slight redness of the skin after the procedure is normal and should not worry you in any way. It goes away on its own after a few hours. In rare cases, it can last for a few days, but it usually passes more quickly.
If itching or mild pain occurs after the procedure, you can cool the area with ice, or we will recommend specialized ointments for soothing.
It is important not to expose the treated area to direct sunlight (at least for one month), not to scratch it, not to mechanically irritate it, or to apply make-up or deodorant to it.
You will receive precise instructions for proper care after laser epilation from us - don't worry!
Opening hours
6 years in the industry, dozens of professional diplomas and certificates, and clients numbering in the tens of thousands. This is our salon in the language of numbers.
But it’s not just about numbers. Hospitality, friendliness, cleanliness, modern equipment. Everything that cannot be put into numbers, but at the same time is a guarantee of the quality of the procedure and your satisfaction, you will also find here.
After all, you can take a look at our interior before your personal visit. Take a look at how it looks here!
Laser epilation. It’s cheaper than spending all the time on shaving and waxing tools. More painless than waxing and razors. And most importantly, smooth skin will remain after your sessions. Let’s take care of it!
In laser hair removal, the laser light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair. This light energy immediately turns into thermal energy, which passes through the hair to the bulb or follicle, where the hair is formed. The intensity of thermal energy damages the follicle and thus stops further hair growth
You will relax on a comfortable couch, we will paint the area with hydrogel and we will gradually press the laser device against your skin. Thanks to the sophisticated cooling, the process does not hurt, and the area can be soothed with an anesthetic cream. Everything takes a few tens of minutes at most, often even less.
The entire human body continuously regenerates, and even damaged ones can recover over time. Laser epilation is therefore not a guarantee of lifelong hair removal. Its results can last for many months and, in some cases, even years. The hair will also not grow back at the rate it used to. Over time, however, it will be necessary to undergo individual corrective interventions that will ensure the permanence of the result.
Complete laser epilation of a given area requires an average of 5-6 sessions, separated by intervals of 4-8 weeks. After getting to know each other, we will agree on a suitable number of sessions for you. In general, consider that complete epilation can take 4-8 months, depending on the part in question. After the end of hair removal, corrective procedures are also recommended in the future - it is usually sufficient to undergo approximately 1-2 corrections per year.
Laser hair removal can remove hair from practically all parts of the body. However, hair from the head or hair in close proximity to the eyes is not usually removed (eyebrow epilation is possible).
Laser hair removal is not an invasive procedure, and you can return to your normal life immediately after it. However, it is not recommended to expose the epilated area to direct sunlight for at least a month or to scratch or otherwise mechanically damage it. We also do not recommend hot baths or exposing the skin to high temperatures. Avoid increased physical exertion two days after the procedure.
We will explain everything thoroughly during the preliminary consultation, but in general the following can be highlighted:
We perform epilation on practically all parts of the body. We can remove unwanted hair from, for example:
And many other parties, a complete overview of which can be found here.
Yes, we do not recommend epilation under the following circumstances:
We will, of course, discuss all contraindications with you in detail during our meeting.
Hairs begin to fall out 7–30 days after the procedure. This process can sometimes be accompanied by redness and itching. Don't worry, but try not to scratch the area.
+420 773 718 165
Jagellonská 20, Prague 3
Poděbradská 777/9, 190 00, Prague 9, Vysočany
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