
Monday – Sunday 9 am-9 pm

Laser hair removal of buttocks in Prague

Depilation or epilation at home is usually not very difficult, but in the case of hard-to-reach places there are problems.

The biggest challenge is butt depilation, which is better left to the experts. Thanks to gentle and painless laser hair removal of the buttocks , you will protect your buttocks from injury and save hundreds to thousands of crowns. Make an appointment today and never deal with butt depilation alone!

years of experience
satisfied customers
salons around the world
0 +
trained specialists

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Take our quiz and get a 50% discount on your first treatment!

Why laser hair removal on the buttocks with us?

While depilation, for example, on the legs, can be used in home conditions with a number of different methods and means, the choice of the back parts is very limited. The biggest problem is that we just can’t see the back. 

In addition, there is a risk of injury in the anus area, which may cause further health complications in the future. Therefore, some types of depilatory practices for this part of the body are not recommended at all. With us, laser permanent depilation is not only painless but also 100% safe.

Painless and gentle laser

We are equipped with a laser that belongs to the world's top. It works on the basis of a combination of laser pulse and radio frequency waves. Thanks to this technology, not only the hair, but also the root is destroyed. Our laser can also deal with light hairs, which conventional lasers struggle unsuccessfully with. And all this quickly, gently and painlessly. Part of our laser is cooling, which can numb the treated area.

Suitable for all phototypes

Our hair laser can handle epilation of all skin types, even light hair. You can undergo treatment with us even with tanned skin or in summer.

Painless and safe procedure

Thanks to the efficient cooling and sophisticated design of our laser, you can be sure that the hair will be effectively eliminated without pain or skin damage.

Painless and gentle laser

We are equipped with a laser that belongs to the world's top. It works on the basis of a combination of laser pulse and radio frequency waves. Thanks to this technology, not only the hair, but also the root is destroyed. Our laser can also deal with light hairs, which conventional lasers struggle unsuccessfully with. And all this quickly, gently and painlessly. Part of our laser is cooling, which can numb the treated area.

Suitable for all phototypes

Our hair laser can handle epilation of all skin types, even light hair. You can undergo treatment with us even with tanned skin or in summer.

Painless and safe procedure

Thanks to the efficient cooling and sophisticated design of our laser, you can be sure that the hair will be effectively eliminated without pain or skin damage.

Top certified, laser instrument

We work with a powerful alexandrite laser Motus AX, which is one of the best devices of its kind. In terms of efficiency, this laser far surpasses standard diode lasers.

Top certified, laser instrument

We work with a powerful alexandrite laser Motus AX, which is one of the best devices of its kind. In terms of efficiency, this laser far surpasses standard diode lasers.

Not just for women

It doesn't have to be only women who wish to get rid of hair in certain areas. Whether it is aesthetic or practical reasons that lead them to us, of course we also offer men a special approach and effective treatment.

Guaranteed results after the first session

Even if a single session cannot get rid of all your hair, we guarantee that you will see visible results after your first visit.

Would you like to enjoy smooth and soft skin on your backside?

Ask our experts if laser hair removal is the right choice for you.

Butt depilation – price

At first, the price of laser hair removal might seem a little higher. But just calculate everything and you will find that this procedure really pays off. Not only will time-consuming home hair removal be eliminated forever, but there will also be no need for any investment in depilatory creams, devices and other necessities. Laser hair removal will relieve you of all these worries because it is permanent. It can solve even such a problem as ingrown hairs on the butt

Small zone
500 Kč
  • glabellar line
  • brow ridge
  • fingers
  • toes
  • feet
  • ears
  • nose
Small zone
1 000 Kč
  • armpit
  • upper lip
  • chin
  • breasts
  • eyebrows
  • buttocks partially
  • midline belly
  • wedge
  • neck
Middle zone
1 500 Kč
  • hands up to elbows
  • hands above elbows
  • buttocks
  • neck
  • sacrum
  • intergluteal fold
  • shoulders
  • breasts
Big zone
2 500 Kč
  • deep bikini
  • hips
  • lower legs+ knees
  • upper back
  • lower back
  • entire abdomen
  • lower back
  • cheeky face
  • whole hands

Comparison before and after

Fotografie chloupků na krku před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezvlasého krku po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie vlasů pod paží před laserovou epilací Before
Fotografie vlasů v podpaží po laserové epilaci After
Fotografie chloupků na bradě před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie brady po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie oblasti bikin před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie oblasti bikin po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie chloupků na nohou před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezsrstých nohou po laserové epilaci After
Fotografie chloupků na pažích před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezvlasé ruky po laserovém odstranění chloupků After

Laser depilation of buttocks – reviews

Before deciding whether to undergo depilation, it is advisable to read reviews from our clients. Here you can find answers to your questions and get rid of doubts. You will find that permanent depilation exists.

How laser butt depilation works

We know that you may be a little worried before the first session. But there is no reason to do so. It is important to us that everything is as comfortable as possible for our client. You lie down on a comfortable lounger.

The treated part is coated with hydrogel, and then the hairs on your body will be gradually removed by a laser beam. Equally gentle is also Brazilian depilation, or popular groyne depilation. Are you still a little afraid of pain? Then we will soothe the area with an anaesthetic cream. In a few minutes, everything will be ready.

How much treatment is needed

Complete hair removal is achieved after 5-8 sessions within four to eight weeks. Why does the procedure have to be repeated? Hairs on the human body do not grow everywhere at the same rate.

In a few weeks, those that the laser could not yet reach will grow. At the last session, we will get rid of even the biggest stragglers.

Laser hair removal of the buttocks obrázek 23
Laser hair removal of the buttocks obrázek 25

What to observe after laser depilation of the butt

Since this is not a difficult or invasive procedure, no special care is required. It is only recommended not to expose the treated area to direct sunlight and hot baths for at least a month. Two days after the procedure, it is advisable to avoid greater physical exertion.

Permanent depilation of the butt is completely discreet to us

We are professionals in the field, and we know that some clients may have a bit of inhibition. Discretion and empathy are, of course, for us. It would be a great shame if unnecessary shame prevented you from achieving satisfaction and comfort.

Is there any confusion about butt depilation?

Don’t be shy about asking us.

FAQ – laser hair removal of buttocks

It is always individual. It can range from months to a year.

A gentle and effective way is laser depilation.

Of course, there is a thorough hygiene a few days before the procedure itself.

No special precautions are required after laser depilation. It is enough to avoid heavy physical exertion for two days and direct sun rays for a month in the treated area.

Thanks to our state-of-the-art laser, you will not feel any pain during the procedure.

Currently, more and more men are ordering from us. Whether for health reasons or simply because they want to take care of themselves.

Yes, our laser is equipped with technology that is suitable and effective even for the treatment of light phototypes.

Growing or even ingrown hair in the buttocks can be a lot of trouble

Get rid of these problems once and for all.

Address of our salon

+420 773 718 165
+420 775 742 933

Jagellonská 20, Prague 3
Poděbradská 777/9, 190 00, Prague 9, Vysočany

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    Zanechte nám svůj kontakt a domluvme se, kdy může vaše epilace začít!

      Leave us your contact information and let’s arrange when your epilation can start!