
Monday – Sunday 9 am-9 pm

Brazilian laser hair removal in Prague

Hair removal or epilation of intimate areas is quite a challenging procedure for many people. Not only technically, but also because of the need to keep these places in a desirable condition. If you want to get rid of bothersome hairs, then Brazilian laser hair removal is the solution. We can help you get rid of your hair once and for all.

years of experience
satisfied customers
salons around the world
0 +
trained specialists

Is depilation of intimate areas problematic for you?

Put yourself in the hands of the experts. We offer a 50% discount on your first procedure. Just take the quiz!

Why choose Brazilian epilation with us?

The so-called Brazilian laser hair removal is increasingly popular not only with women but also with men. With its help, you can adjust your wedge exactly to your liking in a way that is permanent. Even in the back. This eliminates the need to constantly deal with the question of how to shave your private parts.

In addition, in most cases, epilation of intimate areas using conventional means is quite painful. Our modern laser will do away with unwanted hair once and for all, and painlessly too.

Suitable for all phototypes

Our hair laser can handle epilation of all skin types, even light hair. You can undergo treatment with us even with tanned skin or in the summer.

Painless and safe procedure

Thanks to the efficient cooling and sophisticated design of our laser, you can be sure that the hair will be effectively eliminated without pain or skin damage.

High-end, certified laser device

We work with a powerful alexandrite laser, the Motus AX, which is one of the best devices of its kind. In terms of efficiency, this laser far surpasses standard diode lasers.

Not only for women

It doesn't have to be only women who wish to get rid of hair in certain areas. Whether it is aesthetic or practical reasons that lead them to us, of course we also offer men a special approach and effective treatment.

Guaranteed results after the first session

Even if a single session cannot get rid of all your hair, we guarantee that you will see visible results after your first visit.

Do you have a question about Brazilian hair removal?

Ask our experts.

Brazilian hair removal of intimate parts - price

Every laser hair removal of the intimate parts performed by us must be repeated in order to achieve 100% results. This is one of the reasons why it is not possible to determine the final price of the whole process in advance. The number of sessions can range from five to eight, with an interval of four to eight weeks. Another parameter is the density and intensity of hair growth for a particular client. The price of laser hair removal will also be determined by the type of Brazilian hair removal you choose.

Small zone
500 Kč
  • glabellar line
  • brow ridge
  • fingers
  • toes
  • feet
  • ears
  • nose
Small zone
1 000 Kč
  • armpit
  • upper lip
  • chin
  • breasts
  • eyebrows
  • buttocks partially
  • midline belly
  • wedge
  • neck
Middle zone
1 500 Kč
  • hands up to elbows
  • hands above elbows
  • buttocks
  • neck
  • sacrum
  • intergluteal fold
  • shoulders
  • breasts
Big zone
2 500 Kč
  • deep bikini
  • hips
  • lower legs+ knees
  • upper back
  • lower back
  • entire abdomen
  • lower back
  • cheeky face
  • whole hands

Comparison before and after

Photo of neck hair before laser hair removal Before
Photo of a hairless neck after laser hair removal After
Photo of hair under arms before laser hair removal Before
Photo of hair under arms after laser hair removal After
Photo of hair on the chin before laser hair removal Before
Photo of chin after laser hair removal After
Fotografie oblasti bikin před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie oblasti bikin po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Photo of leg hair before laser hair removal Before
Photo of hairless legs after laser hair removal After
Fotografie chloupků na pažích před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Photo of a hairless-hand after laser hair removal After

Brazilian hair removal - reviews

For any client who can’t decide if laser hair removal is right for them, reviews from previous clients can be very helpful. Here you will get information not only about the procedure itself, but also about its outcome and how everything went.

Get smooth skin without the pain and unnecessary expense of ineffective hair removal methods

Book your Brazilian laser hair removal appointment today!

How does Brazilian hair removal work

It usually takes 5-8 sessions to achieve complete hair removal with the laser. The individual intervals range from four to eight weeks. It depends on how fast and intense the new hairs appear.

It is a good idea not to expose your skin to UV radiation for about a week. But an earlier tan is not a hindrance. The laser can also handle very fine hairs without any problems. The day before the procedure, the area needs to be shaved with a razor blade so that the laser can work as effectively as possible. Also, skip waxing or electric epilators for at least a month before your session. Another recommendation for the previous day concerns alcohol. It is not advisable to consume it the day before the procedure.

The procedure is very gentle, and no extra skin care is required. For moisturizing and soothing the skin, we recommend a treatment with Panthenol.

Brazilian laser hair removal obrázek 23

Get smooth skin in the intimate area

Start the permanent hair removal process with us, and you will never have to worry about unwanted hair again. Book your first laser hair removal now.

FAQ - Brazilian hair removal

Hair removal from intimate areas. You can choose 100% hair removal or conditioning of your growth.

Thanks to the fact that our laser has a cooling head, you will not feel any pain.

The procedure is not invasive, so no major measures are required afterwards. We recommend avoiding direct sunlight for about a month and also avoiding hot baths.

The hairs will leave your body gradually. Over a period of seven to thirty days.

Of course. Laser treatment of intimate areas is suitable for both men and women.

Forget about unpleasant hair removal methods and book laser hair removal

Which removes unwanted hair forever. With us you get smooth skin without irritation.

Address of our salon

+420 773 718 165
+420 775 742 933

Jagellonská 20, Prague 3
Poděbradská 777/9, 190 00, Prague 9, Vysočany

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    Zanechte nám svůj kontakt a domluvme se, kdy může vaše epilace začít!

      Leave us your contact information and let’s arrange when your epilation can start!