
Monday – Sunday 9 am-9 pm

Laser epilation of the groin in Prague

Laser hair removal of the groin in women is currently a matter of course. But the skin in these areas is extremely sensitive. The laser is a comfortable solution, thanks to which you will never have to undergo unpleasant depilatory and classic epilation rituals.

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All clients who take the time to complete a short quiz are offered the first treatment with a 50% discount!

Groin depilation with our innovative laser is a safe bet

We perform safe and gentle laser epilation of the groin

Laser hair removal of intimate parts is, compared to other depilatory and epilation methods, the least painful way to permanently get rid of pubic hair in the bikini line. At the same time, we can effectively remove all hair (Brazilian laser depilation of the groin). Painlessness is ensured by the cooling system included in the Motus AX laser device.

Our doctors operate the revolutionary Motus AX laser

Motus AX has been developed to maximize performance. Unlike conventional diode lasers, this innovative laser device is an effective solution even if you have a darker skin phototype, a tan or very light skin and body hair. In addition, the cooling device reduces pain to a minimum without the need for local anesthetics.

With us you can indulge in permanent groin depilation even in summer

Do you like spontaneous decisions, or do you just want to plan procedures exactly according to your schedule and ideas? We have no problem with that. Thanks to the advanced Motus AX technology, you don't have to wait for winter or for your tan to fade. We use our laser all year round according to the wishes of our clients.

Permanent epilation of the groin is not exclusively a female affair

Bikini hair removal, along with Brazilian epilation, is one of the most popular female beauty treatments. However, the benefits of smooth skin on intimate parts are also appreciated by many men. All our clients are well cared for by our experienced doctors.

We guarantee significant hair loss after the first application

Permanent depilation is a long-term process that always requires several repetitions (most often 5 to 8). However, you will notice the effect of the treatment after the first session.

Get smooth and beautiful skin in the groin area!

Visit us and experience painless laser epilation. Book your appointment today.

Are you interested in laser groin removal? The price is lower within the action package

Do you not want to invest in expensive laser epilation? Price we have reduced the number of packages by thousands of crowns. You have a unique opportunity to get rid of hair not only in the intimate area, but you can also combine the procedure with other body parts. We also perform cost-effective laser hair removal of the whole body (for more information, please contact your doctor).

Small zone
500 Kč
  • glabellar line
  • brow ridge
  • fingers
  • toes
  • feet
  • ears
  • nose
Small zone
1 000 Kč
  • armpit
  • upper lip
  • chin
  • breasts
  • eyebrows
  • buttocks partially
  • midline belly
  • wedge
  • neck
Middle zone
1 500 Kč
  • hands up to elbows
  • hands above elbows
  • buttocks
  • neck
  • sacrum
  • intergluteal fold
  • shoulders
  • breasts
Big zone
2 500 Kč
  • deep bikini
  • hips
  • lower legs+ knees
  • upper back
  • lower back
  • entire abdomen
  • lower back
  • cheeky face
  • whole hands

Comparison before and after

Fotografie chloupků na krku před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezvlasého krku po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie vlasů pod paží před laserovou epilací Before
Fotografie vlasů v podpaží po laserové epilaci After
Fotografie chloupků na bradě před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie brady po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie oblasti bikin před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie oblasti bikin po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie chloupků na nohou před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezsrstých nohou po laserové epilaci After
Fotografie chloupků na pažích před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezvlasé ruky po laserovém odstranění chloupků After

Do not know whether to go for laser depilation of the groin? Reviews are a valuable source of practical experience.

How is the groin depilation performed by the Motus AX laser?

If you are afraid of the procedure, let us dispel all your doubts. The Motus AX laser is a top-of-the-line device that stands out for its performance. Its operation is therefore provided exclusively by experienced and certified doctors. Another safety measure is the safety glasses you get, whether it’s a procedure on the face or on other parts of the body. Protects your eyes from both direct and reflected laser beams.

During the initial consultation, the doctor will explain the procedure in detail and propose a tailor-made solution. During the consultation, they will also professionally evaluate how many applications will be needed. The number of repetitions varies according to the size and density of the pubic hair. This is also related to the duration of treatment. If you are going to epilate large areas, count on the fact that the whole procedure will take tens of minutes.

Laser epilation of the groin obrázek 23
Laser epilation of the groin obrázek 25

How to prepare for laser depilation of the groin?

  • Do not use any other common epilation method for at least 4 weeks before the procedure. Just shave the place with a razor blade.
  • Don’t plan a visit just after your summer vacation. 7 days before application, the skin should not be exposed to direct sunlight. An older tan is not a contraindication.
  • The day before your appointment, avoid consuming alcoholic beverages and groin, or shave the entire lap with a razor blade.
  • Do not apply any cosmetic products on the day of the visit.

What is the recommended procedure after laser groin removal?

Immediately after treatment, do not irritate the skin with creams and try to avoid mechanical damage. For greater comfort, wear a skirt or loose trousers and comfortable underwear, preferably made of natural materials.

Slight redness is quite normal and, as a rule, soon subsides. If your skin itches, your doctor will prescribe a tranquilizer.

For a month, protect the skin from direct sunlight.

Smooth skin in the intimate area with laser epilation of the groin

Visit us and you will get the best care from our experts.

What do you ask most often in connection with laser depilation of the groin?

Laser hair removal is a permanent solution because the laser beam destroys the hair and the bulb. Hairs do not grow at all over time, or to a much lesser extent. To maintain absolutely smooth skin, we recommend undergoing corrective treatment 1 to 2 times a year.

Laser epilation is performed throughout the year. But if you want to be ready for the summer, we recommend that you make an appointment in the autumn. The whole process takes an average of 4 to 8 months.

Yes. We also remove hair from men's intimate parts (which can also be combined with butt epilation). Men undergo epilation of the groyne and intimate parts for aesthetic and hygienic reasons, as do women. Laser epilation is also an effective solution if you suffer from painful ingrown hairs.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us

We will be happy to answer all your inquisitive questions.

Address of our salon

+420 773 718 165
+420 775 742 933

Jagellonská 20, Prague 3
Poděbradská 777/9, 190 00, Prague 9, Vysočany

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      Leave us your contact information and let’s arrange when your epilation can start!