
Monday – Sunday 9 am-9 pm

Laser hair removal of breast hair in Prague

Laser hair removal of breast hair is becoming increasingly popular, as having a smooth body is no longer just a matter of aesthetics and comfort. Without excessive body hair, we feel more confident and the skin can breathe better.

Therefore, you do not have to hide your chest if you have bloated pubic hair. Our salon offers quality and effective solutions through laser hair removal, which removes hair permanently and painlessly.

years of experience
satisfied customers
salons around the world
0 +
trained specialists
Using a laser, we will permanently remove the hair on your breasts

And if you take our short quiz, we’ll give you a 50% discount on your first session.

Why have breast hair removed with us?

Some professions, such as athletes or models, need a perfect appearance for their work. However, almost every ordinary mortal wants to look good in a loose shirt or swimsuit. A laser is an ideal means of achieving this.

What does laser hair removal look like in our country?

We have a top quality laser

In our salon, we decided to invest in a unique MOTUS AX laser device. Compared to standard lasers, it has up to twice the performance.

The procedure does not hurt us

The perfect technique effectively eliminates pain, the procedure is fast and targeted, so the beam acts only in the hair bulb of the hair. To prevent the client from feeling anything at all, the device is equipped with simultaneous cooling at temperatures down to -4 °C, which reliably compensates for the feeling of heat.

We effectively remove hair of all shades

Modern lasers have the ability to adjust the wavelength, so they can deal with differently colored hair. However, they are completely indifferent to skin color, so it does not matter if you are the darker type or like to sunbathe.

We count on clients

We pride ourselves on an individual approach and we know that men and women require different treatment. We approach laser hair removal of the entire chest in men and the removal of hair around the nipples in women with the same responsibility.

The effect of our treatment is immediately apparent

Although it is necessary to repeat the procedure several times, thanks to the extraordinary power of the laser beam, a large part of the hair is destroyed during the first session, and the incriminated area looks much better. The same applies to all parts of the body, including delicate butt depilation.

With laser hair removal, you no longer have to hide your manly chest!

Thanks to this modern method, you will be able to reveal yourself and be proud of your body without fear. Our salon uses cutting-edge technology to offer you the best results.

The price of breast hair removal - size (not) matters

Although the size of the area is decisive for the price of laser hair removal, you can find the rate for individual body parts in the table below. How big your chest actually is, the price list does not distinguish. In the case of non-standard dimensions, it is always possible to adjust the price individually.

Small zone
500 Kč
  • glabellar line
  • brow ridge
  • fingers
  • toes
  • feet
  • ears
  • nose
Small zone
1 000 Kč
  • armpit
  • upper lip
  • chin
  • breasts
  • eyebrows
  • buttocks partially
  • midline belly
  • wedge
  • neck
Middle zone
1 500 Kč
  • hands up to elbows
  • hands above elbows
  • buttocks
  • neck
  • sacrum
  • intergluteal fold
  • shoulders
  • breasts
Big zone
2 500 Kč
  • deep bikini
  • hips
  • lower legs+ knees
  • upper back
  • lower back
  • entire abdomen
  • lower back
  • cheeky face
  • whole hands

Comparison before and after

Fotografie chloupků na krku před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezvlasého krku po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie vlasů pod paží před laserovou epilací Before
Fotografie vlasů v podpaží po laserové epilaci After
Fotografie chloupků na bradě před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie brady po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie oblasti bikin před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie oblasti bikin po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie chloupků na nohou před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezsrstých nohou po laserové epilaci After
Fotografie chloupků na pažích před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezvlasé ruky po laserovém odstranění chloupků After

Laser hair removal on the breast - reviews speak for themselves

If you are still hesitating whether to trust the most modern conveniences of today, let yourself be convinced by the reviews of our satisfied customers.

How does chest and breast hair removal work? With the laser alone and without worries!

Someone may find the price unnecessarily high during laser epilation. However, it is necessary to realise that a few sessions cause irreversible hairloss, and the client has peace from the eternal struggle with hair in the bathroom, looking for depilatory aids, or ordering beauty salons. It’s over worrying that you forgot to shave or that there are restrictions on what to wear.

Permanent laser hair removal - and in an instant there is peace forever

Let yourself be helped by modern technology in the form of laser hair removal and avoid pain and unpleasant experiences when shaving or waxing the chest and areolas.

  • Breast hair in women, including those in the most sensitive areas around the nipples, is reliably destroyed by a laser.
  • The dense growth on the chest of men, which uncompromisingly breaks out of the blouse of the shirt, disappears after meeting the laser.

We will arrange it. What will your task be?

  • Come on the agreed-upon date to our salon. Your chest will need to be shaved; you may be asked to do so before the procedure. 
  • Laser exposure itself takes only a few minutes; immediately after that, you can walk away and watch the hairs reappear.
Laser hair removal of breast hair obrázek 23
Laser hair removal of breast hair obrázek 25

Number of interventions - is individual

If we move to statistical numbers, the average number of sessions required is 6. Removal of thinner vegetation and solitaires is done sooner.

Care after the procedure? A little cream

If necessary, lubricate with a cooling moisturizer and do not sunbathe. Otherwise, nothing.

FAQ chest depilation

What do people often ask?

Laser hair removal of breast hair obrázek 27

The culprit is hormonal changes associated with aging or medication. The laser does not care about the cause, it reliably burns each follicle.

After permanent laser epilation, it will be on the order of years. The exact number fluctuates due to many factors, the ability to regenerate is simply different for everyone.

What does the skin look like after the procedure?

In the first few hours, she is red. Sometimes it contains the remains of “dead” hairs that soon fall off.

Can interventions be combined?

Of course. If you also suffer from hair on the abdomen or at the navel, the connection is directly offered.

With laser hair removal in our salon, you can be sure of permanently smooth and delicate skin without unwanted hair

And since this is a procedure that requires several applications, it is best to order your treatment as soon as possible.

Address of our salon

+420 773 718 165
+420 775 742 933

Jagellonská 20, Prague 3
Poděbradská 777/9, 190 00, Prague 9, Vysočany

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    Zanechte nám svůj kontakt a domluvme se, kdy může vaše epilace začít!

      Leave us your contact information and let’s arrange when your epilation can start!