
Monday – Sunday 9 am-9 pm

Laser hair removal of the back in Prague

Many men and women regularly shave or wax the back, shoulders and neck area. However, classic depilation is time-consuming and impractical and its effect is not permanent. Laser hair removal of the back is an effective and painless method with a permanent effect. Say goodbye to constant shaving and get smooth skin!

years of experience
satisfied customers
salons around the world
0 +
trained specialists

Put yourself in the hands of our experienced doctors and get rid of your hair using a modern method

In addition, now you have the chance to complete the entire procedure with a significant discount. Take our short quiz, and you’ll only pay half for your first app.

Laser hair removal of the back can only be performed in our salon

We will get rid of back hair safely and painlessly

Permanent laser depilation is performed only by certified doctors who have extensive experience in operating the powerful Motus AX laser.

Laser back hair removal is performed with a state-of-the-art device

Individual workplaces use different types and models, mostly diode lasers. Our salon owns a revolutionary alexandrite laser, the Motus AX, which stands out above the others for its performance. Thanks to this, we can successfully remove even light hair, and a darker skin tone is not an obstacle. In addition, this device has a built-in cooling system that cools the treated areas and thus minimises unpleasant feelings.

You can also undergo permanent back depilation with a tan

The Motus AX laser device removes hair even from tanned skin. Light hair is not a contraindication either. Laser hair removal of all body parts can therefore be performed year-round according to the wishes of clients.

We offer women's and men's laser depilation

Laser hair removal is a suitable solution for both sexes. Our doctors have extensive experience with epilation of all body parts in both women and men.

We guarantee visible results after the first application

The first treatment with our laser will get rid of up to 20% of all hair. All pubic hair is usually removed after 5 to 8 repetitions.

Do not perform back depilation at home

Laser hair removal will get rid of all hair comfortably, painlessly and most importantly forever. Order a non-binding consultation with us.

Laser back depilation - the price of the application

On a tight budget? Don’t pay exorbitant sums for laser epilation. Price The treatment in our salon is absolutely unbeatable within the action packages. During one session, you can have your pubic hair removed from other body parts.

Small zone
500 Kč
  • glabellar line
  • brow ridge
  • fingers
  • toes
  • feet
  • ears
  • nose
Small zone
1 000 Kč
  • armpit
  • upper lip
  • chin
  • breasts
  • eyebrows
  • buttocks partially
  • midline belly
  • wedge
  • neck
Middle zone
1 500 Kč
  • hands up to elbows
  • hands above elbows
  • buttocks
  • neck
  • sacrum
  • intergluteal fold
  • shoulders
  • breasts
Big zone
2 500 Kč
  • deep bikini
  • hips
  • lower legs+ knees
  • upper back
  • lower back
  • entire abdomen
  • lower back
  • cheeky face
  • whole hands

Comparison before and after

Fotografie chloupků na krku před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezvlasého krku po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie vlasů pod paží před laserovou epilací Before
Fotografie vlasů v podpaží po laserové epilaci After
Fotografie chloupků na bradě před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie brady po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie oblasti bikin před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie oblasti bikin po laserovém odstranění chloupků After
Fotografie chloupků na nohou před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezsrstých nohou po laserové epilaci After
Fotografie chloupků na pažích před laserovým odstraněním chloupků Before
Fotografie bezvlasé ruky po laserovém odstranění chloupků After

Personal experience with laser back depilation - reviews of our clients

How does laser back hair removal work?

Laser hair removal of the back obrázek 23

While depilation removes only the visible part of the hair, laser hair removal destroys the entire hair, including the bulb. This guarantees that the hair will not grow back in the same place. However, in order to achieve a perfect result, it is necessary to repeat the session 5 to 8 times (depending on the size of the area). For example, laser underarm hair removal requires 3 to 6 repetitions. Hair does not grow at the same rate. During the treatment, it is in different growth phases, so it is necessary to repeat the treatment.

The result is permanent after completing all treatments, but since the human body has the ability to regenerate, we recommend undergoing a maintenance procedure once or twice a year.

How to prepare for laser back epilation?

Before the procedure, it is necessary to observe certain precautions. A month before the procedure, do not wax your back and do not use epilation machines. Get rid of hair only with a razor blade. The day before the session, shave your back until smooth. Do not apply any cosmetics to them. The back must be hairless and clean.

Do not sunbathe again a week before the visit. Older tan does not matter.

Basic care after application

For a month after the procedure, you must not expose your back to direct sunlight. So if you want to enjoy the summer without restrictions, schedule your laser hair removal for the autumn or winter months.

Do not apply any cosmetic products immediately after application to the skin and protect the skin of the back against mechanical damage.

Laser hair removal of the back obrázek 25

If you follow all the recommendations, you can undergo laser epilation even in spring and summer

Plan your sessions exactly according to your schedule.

Do you want to know more about laser back removal? What are clients most interested in?

How long does laser back hair removal last?

If you are looking for a definitive solution to get rid of hair on your back, then laser hair removal is the right choice. The laser destroys the hairs even with the bulb, so they do not grow back or only to a much lesser extent.

Is laser hair removal a suitable solution for everyone?

Epilation with our revolutionary Motus AX laser is a safe and effective solution for women and men with dark, light, and darker skin tones. 

Laser epilation cannot be undergone by pregnant and lactating women, oncological patients, epileptics, or people with acute skin inflammation, tattoos, a fresh tan, a rash, or keloid scars.

Get a permanently smooth back thanks to laser hair removal in Prague!

Contact us today to make an appointment for treatment.

Address of our salon

+420 773 718 165
+420 775 742 933

Jagellonská 20, Prague 3
Poděbradská 777/9, 190 00, Prague 9, Vysočany

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    Zanechte nám svůj kontakt a domluvme se, kdy může vaše epilace začít!

      Leave us your contact information and let’s arrange when your epilation can start!