
Monday – Sunday 9 am-9 pm

Laser epilation - price of treatment in Prague

Are you looking for a definitive solution that will get rid of dark and light hair on all parts of your body? The only truly effective and, at the same time, painless method is laser epilation. The price of treating individual lots varies according to the size of the given area and the density of the vegetation. If you choose our salon, you’ll get top-notch care and, in addition, you’ll save significantly.

Special price for ladies on their first visit to us

Small zone
500 Kč
  • glabellar line
  • brow ridge
  • fingers
  • toes
  • feet
  • ears
  • nose
Small zone
1 000 Kč
  • armpit
  • upper lip
  • chin
  • breasts
  • eyebrows
  • buttocks partially
  • midline belly
  • wedge
  • neck
Middle zone
1 500 Kč
  • hands up to elbows
  • hands above elbows
  • buttocks
  • neck
  • sacrum
  • intergluteal fold
  • shoulders
  • breasts
Big zone
2 500 Kč
  • deep bikini
  • hips
  • lower legs+ knees
  • upper back
  • lower back
  • entire abdomen
  • lower back
  • cheeky face
  • whole hands

Price of laser hair removal from the second procedure

Area for removing unwanted hair Full prices, Czk Reduced cost, Czk
Brazilian bikini 5 000 2 500
Classic bikini (bikini line groin) 3 500 2 500
Whole legs 12 000 5 000
Hips 7 000 3 000
Calves + Knees 7 000 2 500
Whole hands 6 670 3 000
Hands up to the elbow 4 000 2 000
Armpit 2 000 1 000
Whole body + Face 30 000 18 000
Whole face (no neck) 6 670 2 500
Upper lip 2 000 1 000
Chin 2 000 1 000
Buttocks 4 000 2 000
Cross area 4 000 2 000


Area for removing unwanted hair Full prices, Czk Reduced cost, Czk
Whole legs + Brazilian bikini + Armpits as a gift 21 000 7 000
Calf & Knees + Brazilian bikini + Armpits + Upper lip + Chin as a gift 19 000 5 000
Calf & Knees + Brazilian bikini + Armpits + Arms up to elbow as a gift 19 000 5 000
Calf & Knees + Brazilian bikini + Armpits as a gift 19 000 5 000
Brazilian bikini + Armpits as a gift 7 000 2 500
Wpper lip + Chin as a gift 4 000 1 000
Whole legs + Deep bikini + Armpits + Upper lip + Chin as a gift 24 000 8 000
5 times (4+1 as a gift) Whole legs + Brazilian bikini + Armpits (4000 Kč/time) 114000 20 000
5 + 1 as a gift Brazilian bikini + Armpits (1666 Kč/time) 42 000 10 000
5 times (4+1 as a gift) Whole face + Neck (2000 Kč/time) 20 000 10 000

Cena laserové epilace pro muže na první proceduře u nás

S zone
500 Kč
  • brow ridge
  • toes
  • glabellar line
  • back of hand
  • feet
  • calf
  • fingers
  • ears
  • nose
  • brow ridge
M zone
1 500 Kč
  • intergluteal fold
  • buttocks partially
  • midline belly
  • upper lip
  • temples
  • neck
  • courtyard
  • chin
  • wedge
L zone
2 000 Kč
  • hands above elbow
  • hands up to elbow
  • sacrum
  • shoulders
  • armpit
  • buttocks
  • neck
XL zone
3 000 Kč
  • whole face+ neck
  • calves+ knees
  • upper back
  • lower back
  • deep bikini
  • classic bikini
  • entire abdomen
  • chest
  • thighs
  • hips

The price of laser hair removal from the second procedure

Area for removing unwanted hair Full prices, Czk Reduced cost, Czk
Brazilian bikini 6 000 3 000
Classic bikini (groin bikini line) 5 000 3 000
Whole legs 14 000 7 000
Thighs 7 000 5 000
Calves + Knees 7 000 3 000
Whole hands 6 000 3 000
Hands to elbow 5 000 2 500
Armpit 5 000 2 500
Whole body (without face) 30 000 15 000
Whole face (no neck) 6 000 3 000
Upper lip 3 000 1 500
Chin 3 000 1 500
Buttocks 5 000 2 500
Cross area 4 000 2 000


Area for removing unwanted hair Full prices, Czk Reduced cost, Czk
Whole Legs + Brazilian bikini + Armpit as a gift 14 000 7 000
Calf & Knees + Brazilian bikini + Armpit + Upper lip + Chin as a gift 14 000 7 000
Calf & Knees + Brazilian bikini + Armpit + Arms up to elbow as a gift 14 000 7 000
Calf & Knees + Brazilian bikini + Armpit as a gift 14 000 7 000
Brazilian bikini + Underarm as a gift 7 000 3 500
Whole body + Face 40 000 20 000
Whole Legs + Deep bikini + Upper lip + Chin as a gift 16 000 8 000
Whole back (excluding lower back) 10 000 5 000
5 times (4+1 as a gift) Whole legs + Brazilian bikini + Armpit (6000 Czk/time) 60 000 30 000
5 times (4+1 as a gift) Brazilian bikini as a gift + Armpit (3000 Czk/time) 30 000 15 000
5 times (4+1 as a gift) Whole face + Neck (2000 Czk/time) 20 000 10 000

Every interested party who fills out our short quiz will receive a 50% discount on their first treatment

Laser hair removal - price of the first application according to the selected body part

We distinguish three basic zones according to size: small, medium and large. In each category, you will find a nominal list of all body areas (example: you are interested in laser hair removal on the back, the price is logically higher than underarm hair removal).

You can safely epilate the whole body, including intimate parts. The costs will be calculated by the attending physician based on a personal consultation and your requirements. If you are planning laser hair removal for several areas at once, take advantage of our promotional packages, thanks to which you can save up to thousands of crowns.

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We currently offer several attractive packages

Which include combinations of the most desirable body parts. You will now also get a significant discount on follow-up treatments in individual areas.

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How much will you pay for laser hair removal from the second procedure with us?

We perform innovative laser hair removal in Prague. However, the price of the following treatments is significantly lower with us. If you want to undergo laser epilation, you must expect that you will need several repetitions (on average 5 to 8).

So if you decide, for example, to epilate the whole body, the final amount is usually in the order of tens of thousands. But don’t let yourself be deterred from your intention. With us, you get a significant discount on the second application.

Ways to undergo laser epilation cheaply with us. You can reduce the price by combining procedures

Do you want to undergo laser hair removal for your legs? Right now, you can combine this particular procedure with Brazilian epilation and have your armpit hair removed at the same time. You can currently choose from 6 attractive packages that cover all the most popular body parts.

Our doctor will tell you the final price during the initial non-binding consultation based on an individual assessment of the area. The number of repetitions may vary from client to client.

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Why is it worthwhile for you to invest in laser epilation with us?

The application is safe and painless

Compared to traditional depilation and epilation techniques, laser hair removal is a relatively painless procedure that effectively removes all hair without injuring the skin during the procedure. In addition, we use a powerful laser in our salon, which has an effective cooling system. It locally anesthetizes the treated part for a short time. In most cases, it is not necessary to apply local anaesthetics before treatment.

We own a cutting-edge laser

Most workplaces offer diode laser treatment. A certified alexandrite laser that generates much more power and rightfully belongs to the top in the field of laser technology in the field of aesthetic medicine. The built-in cooling system can cool the given point down to -4 °C. Thanks to this, not only does the safety increase, but the sensitivity of the given place also decreases significantly.

We can effectively remove even light hair, and darker skin tones are not an obstacle for us

If you want to get rid of fine light fuzz once and for all, or if you belong to a group of people with a darker skin photo type, it's not a problem with us. An older tan is not a contraindication either (but it must not be fresh).

We approach all clients individually

Laser hair removal is popular with both women and men. Epilation is beneficial for both sexes, both for aesthetic and health reasons. Men can also get rid of ingrown beards in this way. This problem is very annoying and other treatment methods are not nearly as effective as laser.

The difference can be seen almost immediately

Laser hair removal is a gradual process where you undergo several sessions in a row at precisely given time intervals. This procedure guarantees an optimal result. We can guarantee a significant loss of hair already after the first application, by up to 20%.

Invest in the most effective laser hair removal in Prague

Our device is twice as efficient as diode lasers.

Our salon's address

+420 773 718 165
+420 775 742 933

Jagellonská 20, Praha 3
Poděbradská 777/9, 190 00, Praha 9, Vysočany

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    Zanechte nám svůj kontakt a domluvme se, kdy může vaše epilace začít!

      Leave us your contact information and let’s arrange when your epilation can start!